Rarity IDH1/IDH2 Panel for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

The SuperRCA technology was first developed together with hematologists to aid in ultrasensitive detection of rare mutations in leukemic variants, such as Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). We are therefore happy to announce that our first version of the Rarity AML panel is now available for research service testing, covering the relevant mutations for targeted treatment using IDH1/2 inhibitors. For details see https://raritybioscience.com/products

A review article in Frontiers in Oncology reference that IDH1/2 mutations affects approximately 20% of all AML patients, and highlights the recent advancement in targeted therapies using FDA approved IDH1/2 inhibitors Enasidenib (Celgene) and Ivosidenib (Servier). https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2021.639387

With improvements in targeted therapies comes an increased need for companion diagnostics and other precision diagnostic tools to monitor and optimize treatment based on patient response.

The SuperRCA assay has groundbreaking sensitivity of 1:100,000 and allows for multiplex assessment of all panel mutations in the same sample, which further enables cost efficient and high throughput testing.

“I have had the privilege to follow the development of the SuperRCA technology from the early days or research, and I must say that I’m amazed by the sensitivity and specificity of the technique. I see huge potential not only in the possibility to use more blood samples but also the reduced cost of testing and training of staff.” – Lucia Cavelier, Director Clinical Genomics Uppsala, SciLifeLab.


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